Curiosity will get you More Clicks

JuicyAds Admin | February 28th, 2008

Curiosity will get you More Clicks

Many advertisers are pretty straight forward with their advertising campaigns. Their images and text tell the visitor exactly what they expect to see when they click an ad. If they are not already interested in what the ad has to offer, they simply won’t click. But what about the curious folks out there who may not necessarily be looking for your product or service, but might be convinced to buy after visiting your persuasive website? Use curiosity to attract surfers to click your ads. You can accomplish this by using images that make you want to click to “see what that is” or text that makes the surfer wonder what’s on the other side. This type of promotion is common in the news business. Teaser headlines like “Find out what beer is toxic and could kill you… at 11.” The teaser does not tell you what beer company is toxic, but you’ll find out if you tune in. The same idea works for JuicyAds. Tease the surfer with something they might be interested in, then sell them on it when they follow the link. You’ll be pleased with the results.