CEO Address Regarding COVID-19

Juicy Jay | March 16th, 2020

CEO Address Regarding COVID-19

Stay calm and read this.

With the flurry of emails from different companies talking about all of their changes and plans for COVID-19 it seems like the world has completely lost its mind. Today as I write this, the Dow has dropped a record-breaking 2,997 points. But here at JuicyAds, it is mostly business at usual.

That’s because we have been “self-isolating” and working remotely since “before it was cool” for nearly 14 years. Our team is grateful to be in this situation, and we understand that elsewhere things are a lot tougher. While the Government officials and others try to reassure the public that there will be funding and that people won’t lose jobs and that business will not be impacted – the reality is that nobody really knows what is going to happen or what the long-term effects are.

By now you’ve probably seen this graphic a few times;

This graph illustrates the plan to “slow” the infection rate to sustainable levels for the healthcare system. This is why all of your favorite things are being closed and why children are suddenly on a 5-month summer vacation. (How awesome would that have been if you were still in school?) Awesome, with exception.

Keep things in perspective. Most of us don’t have a need to be freaking out and being in panic mode is not necessary. Even if you run out of toilet paper, your friends and family will (probably) understand and still love you when you have to borrow some. Everyone is being affected by COVID-19 in some way, its inevitable. Leave the concerns and worries for people with real problems. It is scary but we will do our best to get through it, together.

Keep it Juicy, everyone.